
2023 - PhD viva - João Felipe Gremski  - Universidade Federal do Paraná

2022 - Interview for Gleichstellung und Diversität - University of Vienna 

Video abstract Leal - short.mp4

2021 - Online symposium Philosophy in/on translation (introduction)

2021 - The Department of Portuguese of the Centre for Translation Studies of the University of Vienna

2019 - Interview for Brazilian newspaper Gazeta do Povo

2017 - Interview following book launch "Quincas Borba", by Machado de Assis. Veľvyslanectvo Brazílie v Bratislave, Bratislava, Slovakia (from 2'50'') 

2012 - "Estudos da tradução: Teoria e prática na pós-modernidade". I Seminário de Egressos da PGET. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Floranópolis, Brazil.

Egressos PGET - Alice Leal.mp4

2011 - "'Truth in translation': The interpreters’ subjectivity, (in)visibility and (im)partiality in the amnesty hearings in South Africa". First International Conference on Fictional Translators in Literature and Film, Universität Wien, Vienna. Radio Orange Broadcast (from 9'50'')